Financial Value Of Gatecrash VIII

Ben Bleiweiss covers the latest Gatecrash spoilers. What does he think about Gyre Sage and Diluvian Primordial? Which white rare jumped $2 in price?

Today’s article is going to be very short because only one new rare/mythic was spoiled, and few cards had movement since Wednesday. As mentioned in yesterday’s article, feedback about the formatting of this series is appreciated!
New Cards
Diluvian Primordial

Starting Price: $1

Completely bulk rare for tournament play—it just costs too much for the effect. For casual play, this reminds me of Blatant Thievery. At seven mana, one (permanent) Confiscate isn’t a great deal. 4+ Confiscates is a steal. The ability to cast 4+ instants or sorceries for free seems great for Commander, and I expect Diluvian Primordial to become a staple for blue Commander decks, upon release.

Gyre Sage

Starting Price: $2

When you’re playing with a creature designed to mana accelerate, you want to make sure that the creature will reliably mana accelerate your board position. Gyre Sage is not reliable in this regard—the turn after you play him, you generally have to follow up with another creature (tapping out) or you get no effect out of Gyre Sage. I’d keep an eye on Gyre Sage for a possibility in Elf combo decks in Modern/Legacy, but my thoughts are that it is too slow for those formats. Should end up in the $1 range, for casual play.

Recap of Spoiled Cards
Frontline Medic

Starting Price: $4

Current Price: $6

Extremely popular thus far and might have the legs to hit the $8-$10 range before the set releases. Should go back down to the $4-$5 range 2-3 weeks after release but will be in demand due to short supply until the second or third wave of product hits.


Previous Editions of Financial Value of Gatecrash

First mentions of cards are listed below. However there are also updated prices and specuation in each edition.