The Magic Show #193 – 2010 Community Cup & Forsythe Interview

The Open Series comes to St. Louis!
Friday, June 18th – Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week we’re live in Seattle, broadcasting from Wizards of the Coast headquarters for the 2010 Community Cup. I did my part to ensure I came home a champion, and all sorts of Magic Online players got goodies because of it. We talk to Head of Magic R&D Aaron Forsythe, new kid on the WotC block (and StarCityGames alum) Zac Hill, get a view of Seattle, and more! I also have my complete interview with Aaron Forsythe for your viewing pleasure! Some of the most fascinating 20 minutes you’ll spend this week.

Hello everybody, and welcome to another edition of the Magic Show. This week we’re live in Seattle, broadcasting from Wizards of the Coast headquarters for the 2010 Community Cup. I did my part to ensure I came home a champion, and all sorts of Magic Online players got goodies because of it. We talk to Head of Magic R&D Aaron Forsythe, new kid on the WotC block (and StarCityGames alum) Zac Hill, get a view of Seattle, and more! I also have my complete interview with Aaron Forsythe for your viewing pleasure! Some of the most fascinating 20 minutes you’ll spend this week.

Aaron Forsythe Interview:

A HUGE thanks to Wizards of the Coast for treating me like absolute royalty last week, and congrats to my fellow Community Cup members for a job well done. The WotC HQ really is the Wonka Factory, and it lived up to my expectations and then some.

Until next week Magic players, this is Evan Erwin. Tapping the cards…so you don’t have to!

Evan “misterorange” Erwin
Community Manager,