Mind Twists #3

If you like solving Magic: The Gathering puzzles, then don’t miss this week’s installment of Dayv Doberne’s Mind Twists!

Welcome to the third edition of Mind Twists! Thank you to everyone who submitted solutions this week—our winners are Shawn Bartok (“Vapor Slip”) and Oren Firestein (“Let Me Introduce You to My Little Friend…”). Check your inboxes!

Here are the solutions to last week’s puzzles:

Vapor Slip


This one was fairly straightforward, and there were a few ways to solve this. Here’s Shawn’s solution:

Congratulations Shawn Bartok; you will receive a signed Vapor Snag!

Let Me Introduce You to My Little Friend…


This one was pretty open-ended, and I received a lot of great submissions from you guys! There were four main ways of doing this one: the Kiki-Jiki/Deceiver Exarch combo, using Tidespout Tyrant to clear the way for a huge Animar, using Craterhoof Behemoth to make a very large and trampling Animar, and to flip the entire deck on the table with Primal Surge. I’ll review the first, third, and fourth of these possibilities, starting with Oren’s Kiki-Jiki/Deceiver Exarch method:

Instead of fetching Deceiver Exarch in the second to last step, you could do this as well:

  • With the Wild Pair trigger on the stack, pay 6 life to pump the Immolating Souleater to make it a 4/1. The Wild Pair Trigger resolves and you can go find Peregrine Drake, untapping your 5 lands.
  • Float 5 mana by tapping all of your lands, then use Kiki-Jiki’s ability on the Peregrine Drake to make a copy of it, untapping your lands again.
  • Tap all your lands again, giving the 10 mana you need to cast Primal Surge!
  • Since everything in the deck is a permanent and nothing requires you to draw cards upon entering the battlefield, you can flip your entire deck onto the field. Craterhoof Behemoth’s ability triggers (among others), making everything enormous. Champion of Lambholt prevents Ulamog from blocking, and there is no shortage of hasty power available to kill your opponent.

Finally, one more solution caught my eye:

This solution impressed me because it didn’t abuse the “Phyrexian Firebreathing” of Immolating Souleater or Moltensteel Dragon with the Wild Pair trigger on the stack. Good work, everybody! Finally, congratulations to Oren Firestein; you will receive a signed Wild Pair!

Here are this week’s puzzles; the first one actually stems from a conversation I had with some players from my local game store!

Puzzle 1: Bludgeon Brawl

It’s casual night at your friend’s house, and you’ve been given a deck to brawl with. Deep in a game against your host, he casts a massive Warp World that throws off your Helix Pinnacle plan—you only needed 24 more counters! Your opponent ends up with Arcanis the Omnipotent, Thought Reflection, Mana Reflection, Privileged Position, and plenty of lands on his side of the table after the Warp World, but currently has no cards in hand.

You can’t complain about your board position—you have Gideon Jura; Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas; Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker; Symbiotic Wurm; Grafted Wargear; Liquimetal Coating; and Bludgeon Brawl on your side of the battlefield. The downside is that you only control two Mountains as mana sources! It’s your turn, and you have Blasphemous Act and Battle Hymn in your hand. You really don’t want to see what your opponent will do with Thought Reflection and Mana Reflection out, but fortunately you can kill him this turn.

puzzle 1

Winner will receive a signed Bludgeon Brawl!

Puzzle 2: Pay for the Pact

You are playing in an SCG Legacy Open, and you’ve made it to round 4 without a hitch. Your deck of choice this week is Junk Depths, a deck that abuses the interaction between Vampire Hexmage and Dark Depths to make a 20/20 flier as early as turn 2! Here’s your decklist:

You’re playing against Hive Mind, and you’re off to a pretty slow start. You finally have your Knight of the Reliquary and your Fauna Shaman in play, but Thoughtseizing your opponent shows that your opponent has his combo, with Force of Will and a blue card to back it up! Sure enough, on your opponent’s turn he casts Show and Tell, putting Hive Mind into play, and then immediately casts Pact of the Titan.

puzzle 2

Winner will receive a signed Vampire Hexmage!

If you have any ideas for future puzzles, I’d love to hear from you! Just send me an email at SCGthePuzzling@gmail.com and I’ll check it out. That’s all for this week, so have fun with these and I’ll see you next Wednesday!

Dayv Doberne

@Sunyveil on Twitter