Video: U/W Delver In Standard Check out Todd’s latest Magic Online videos, in which he pilots the deck that Charles Gindy played to second place at the SCG Standard Open in Washington, DC: U/W Delver with Hero of Bladehold. By Todd Anderson August 14, 2012 Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied! U/W Delver Todd Anderson Test deck on 08-12-2012 Standard Creatures (15) 3 Hero of Bladehold4 Snapcaster Mage4 Geist of Saint Traft4 Delver of Secrets Lands (21) 1 Plains9 Island4 Glacial Fortress4 Seachrome Coast3 Cavern of Souls Spells (24) 3 Mana Leak4 Ponder1 Mutagenic Growth2 Mental Misstep4 Gitaxian Probe4 Vapor Snag4 Gut Shot2 Thought Scour Sideboard 2 Negate2 Mutagenic Growth2 Sword of War and Peace3 Phantasmal Image4 Knight of Glory2 Talrand, Sky Summoner Share Tweet Reddit Email Copy Link Link copied!