Removed From Game – Zendikar Sealed: Am I Dead On Turn 2?

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Tuesday, November 3rd, – ‘Is there a God?’, ‘Why did you hide it there?’, and ‘What is molecular cuisine?’ may all be situationally-useful questions, but for Zendikar Sealed, nothing is more important than the eponymous query. Find out why, featuring a great big pile of Sealed Deck pools for you to test your skill and judgment.

I decided to cut to the chase this week, as ‘Am I Dead On Turn 2?’ is almost certainly the most important question you can ask yourself in the world of Zendikar Sealed. When you’re building your deck, you want to make sure that the answer to that is ‘no’ as often as possible, and ‘yes please’ when thinking about your opponents.

In M10, countermagic was utterly fine, and pretty much everywhere, to the extent that you actively attempted to bait out the countermagic that you knew was there waiting for your big guy, before slapping down your even bigger guy the following turn. That isn’t the case in Zendikar, where I’ve yet to see many counterspells of any kind.

As a result, you can pretty much expect your spells to resolve without problem. Since that also applies to your opponent, relying on your powerful late-game spells can be a highly risky business, since presumably they too have opened some Rares or Mythics that can dominate a game. Overall, therefore, it’s the early game where we should be concentrating. Can we make sure that we don’t die to a quick start on the other side, and can we build a deck that more or less puts them to the sword before they can reach the late-game foolishness which is often a coinflip at best?

With these thoughts in mind, I spent a thoroughly convivial evening with Neil Rigby and Tom Harle, both with plenty of Pro Tour experience. Magic Online is allegedly a solitary occupation, but you certainly wouldn’t think so staring at a shiny row of laptops, all of us firing into 16 player Sealed Queues as fast as they’d take us.

Today, therefore, I present to you a collection of Sealed Pools, Decks, and outcomes. If you want to get the most out of it, it’s probably worth looking at each pool and coming up with your own decklist before moving on. We begin with Tom, and an average-ish pool that looked like this:

Tom Harle Pod 1

Landbind Ritual
Windborn Charge
Pillarfield Ox
Kor Cartographer
Noble Vestige
Narrow Escape
Bold Defense
Kor Aeronaut
Kor Skyfisher
Nimbus Wings
Nimbus Wings
Steppe Lynx

Whiplash Trap
Sky Ruin Drake
Sky Ruin Drake
Umara Raptor
Spreading Seas
Trapfinder’s Trick
Trapfinder’s Trick
Welkin Tern
Tempest Owl
Tempest Owl
Aether Figment
Spell Pierce
Quest For Ancient Secrets

Ravenous Trap
Hagra Crocodile
Mindless Null
Vampire’s Bite
Mire Blight
Halo Hunter
Nimana Sell-Sword
Heartstabber Mosquito
Gatekeeper Of Malakir
Surrakar Marauder
Vampire Lacerator
Gruul Draz Vampire

Murasa Pyromancer
Spire Barrage
Pyromancer’s Ascension
Seismic Shudder
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Geyser Glider
Slaughter Cry
Magma Rift
Plated Geopede
Goblin Shortcutter
Highland Berserker
Unstable Footing
Goblin Guide
Burst Lightning

Zendikar Farguide
Mold Shambler
Turntimber Basilisk
Savage Silhouette
Oran-Rief Recluse
Greenweaver Druid
Khalni Heart Expedition
Oran-Rief Survivalist
River Boa
Vines Of Vastwood
Scythe Tiger
Scythe Tiger
Primal Bellow

Blazing Torch
Blazing Torch
Expedition Map
Explorer’s Scope
Carnage Altar
Carnage Altar
Hedron Scrabbler
Hedron Scrabbler
Stonework Puma
Eternity Vessel

Khabira Crossroads
Turntimber Grove
Teetering Peaks
Marsh Flats

The Deck

Halo Hunter
Nimana Sell-Sword
Heartstabber Mosquito
Gatekeeper Of Malakir
Surrakar Marauder
Vampire Lacerator
Gruul Draz Vampire
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Geyser Glider
Slaughter Cry
Magma Rift
Plated Geopede
Goblin Shortcutter
Highland Berserker
Goblin Guide
Burst Lightning
Blazing Torch
Blazing Torch
Marsh Flats
Teetering Peaks
7 Mountain
8 Swamp

What did Tom think of the deck before the matches? “It’s an aggressive format, it’s an aggressive deck. The thing is, it’s a very swingy format. Good decks are very, very quick. You see people attacking for nine on turn 3, and the opponent is over halfway dead before laying a third permanent. That isn’t an especially outrageous combination either, just Steppe Lynx, Plated Geopede, Explorer’s Scope equip, attack, hit. I only have two spells at 3cc, three at 4cc, and two at 5cc. Without a decent start I have very little late game.”


Round 1 — Lost 0-2. Game 1 – Sorin Markov goes the distance. Game 2 — trade off, race, into topdeck mode, Sphinx of Jwar Isle wins it.

Round 2 — Won 2-0. Game 1 — Quick men, double Zektar Shrine Expedition. He struggled for land. Game 2 — Quick men. Opponent cast Beastmaster Ascension both games. (Against an aggressive start, this is pretty close to skipping your turn, and that’s a disaster.)

Round 3 — Lost 1-2. Game 1 — Both mulligan to six, was aggressive, but too late. Game 2 — Curved out with Gruul Draz Vampire T1, Goblin Shortcutter T2, Surrakar Marauder T3. T4 kill your guy. T5 Geyser Glider. Never a contest. Game 3 — Mulliganed to six, felt obliged to keep a slow-ish hand, never in with a chance. Possible incorrect choice to keep six.

Round 4 — Lost 1-2. Game 1 — Mulligan to 6, started slow, never in it. Game 2 — Won with Geyser Glider, despite them having Conqueror’s Pledge. Game 3 — Mulligan to six on the play, slow. First creature T4. Couldn’t deal with Emeria Angel.

What did he think afterwards? “I had 13 monsters, and maybe that wasn’t enough to make Blazing Torch all that good. Perhaps I should have played the Hagra Crocodile. Zektar Shrine Expeditions weren’t great. I never made Bloodghast or Plated Geopede T2, and never made Goblin Guide or Lacerator T1. I’ve won some of these Sealed Swiss queues with similar decks, but in those I had Steppe Lynx for T1, which is great.”

Rich Hagon Pod 2

Windborne Charge
Shieldmate’s Blessing
Quest For The Holy Relic
Ondu Cleric
Ondu Cleric
Kor Cartographer
Pitfall Trap
Makindi Shieldmate
Kor Outfitter
Kor Aeronaut
Journey To Nowhere
Journey To Nowhere
Cliff Threader
Steppe Lynx

Sky Ruin Drake
Windrider Ell
Merfolk Seastalkers
Lethargy Trap
Reckless Scholar
Merfolk Wayfinder
Ior Ruin Expedition
Quest For Ancient Secrets
Hedron Crab
Cosi’s Trickster
Caller Of Gales

Desecrated Earth
Bog Tatters
Bog Tatters
Ravenous Trap
Hagra Crocodile
Hagra Crocodile
Vampire’s Bite
Mire Blight
Halo Hunter
Crypt Ripper
Giant Scorpion
Marsh Casualties
Feast Of Blood
Blood Seeker
Blood Seeker
Blood Seeker
Vampire Lacerator

Runeflare Trap
Goblin War Paint
Geyser Glider
Tuktuk Grunts
Shatterskull Giant
Ruinous Minotaur
Torch Slinger
Slaughter Cry
Molten Ravager
Magma Rift
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Punishing Fire
Seismic Shudder
Burst Lightning

Zendikar Farguide
Zendikar Farguide
Relic Crush
Beast Hunt
Savage Silhouette
Savage Silhouette
Savage Silhouette
Nissa’s Chosen
Turntimber Basilisk
Grazing Gladehart
River Boa
Khalni Heart Expedition

Hedron Scrabbler
Expedition Map
Stonework Puma
Stonework Puma
Trusty Machete
Adventuring Gear

Sejiri Refuge
Verdant Catacombs
Piranha Marsh
Emeria, The Sky Ruin
Teetering Peaks

The Deck

Kor Cartographer
Pitfall Trap
Makindi Shieldmate
Kor Outfitter
Kor Aeronaut
Journey To Nowhere
Journey To Nowhere
Cliff Threader
Steppe Lynx

Geyser Glider
Tuktuk Grunts
Shatterskull Giant
Ruinous Minotaur
Torch Slinger
Slaughter Cry
Molten Ravager
Magma Rift
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Punishing Fire
Seismic Shudder
Burst Lightning

Trusty Machete
Adventuring Gear

8 Plains
8 Mountain
Teetering Peaks

With seven outright removal spells, this felt solid. In retrospect, I’m not sure why I didn’t go for the Black to go with the Red. I was drawn to the outright killing of Journey To Nowhere, but looking at it a few days later I can see there was a quality line-up in Black that might have served me better:

Hagra Crocodile
Hagra Crocodile
Vampire’s Bite
Halo Hunter
Crypt Ripper
Giant Scorpion
Marsh Casualties

Blood Seeker
Blood Seeker
Vampire Lacerator

I can’t imagine ever running all three Blood Seekers, but they do make life awkward at the back end of a game. I’ve developed an increasing respect for Hagra Crocodile, as I’ve stopped looking at his 1 toughness, and started looking at his 5 power. Vampire’s Bite is the kind of card that ought to just be poor — a combat trick at four mana — but a combat trick plus tempo swing turns out to be good news in a race format.


Round 1 — Win 2-1. Game 1 — They mulligan to 5. I’m always ahead, have enough removal, and Molten Ravager is an offensive threat. Game 2 — They have Oran-Rief, the Vastwood, which consistently made their guys bigger. When I stabilized, they had Grim Discovery, and then Vines of Vastwood not only countered my Torch Slinger, but forced it to kill itself. Neat/tedious, depending on your point of view. Game 3 — They opened on Scythe Tiger, meaning they were effectively screwed. They had some removal, but I still got them to one, and eventually drew Burst Lightning.

Round 2 — Lose 1-2. Game 1 – I’m well ahead, because they’ve done nothing but make Quests (four of them) two Blue, two Black. They stabilized on 2 life, clawed their way back, and we were both into topdeck mode when I drew Punishing Fire. Sadly, his previous draw was Cancel. I die. Game 2 — I’m ahead again, although they had early Paralyzing Grasp. Under pressure, they have to cast Whiplash Trap, which forces them to give me my Kor Aeronaut back from under the Paralyzing Grasp. Whiplash Trap requires two creatures, it’s not ‘up to.’ 1-1. Game 3 — They had double Quest For The Gravelord, eventually getting off Ior Ruin Expedition, then flying for the win.

Round 3 — Win 2-1. Game 1 — Geyser Glider plus Adventuring Gear was unstoppable. Double Journey To Nowhere helped. Game 2 — I died on Turn Two, because I failed to Pitfall Trap their Vampire Lacerator. They added to it, and I never caught up. Don’t be fooled by them losing life off a Lacerator. They need killing, badly. Game 3 — Kor Aeronaut + Trusty Machete is a nice combination. Five attacks later they were dead, despite almost dying in the race with Baloth Woodcrasher.

Round 4 — Lost 1-2. Game 1 — I won with Trusty Machete on Kor Cartographer. They had Bloodchief Ascension, but only got 1 counter on. Game 2 — This time there was a third counter on Bloodchief Ascension. They Disfigure my guy, then cast Mark of Mutiny on my 5/2 Ruinous Minotaur when I was on 6. Game 3 — A great curve out, but not for me. Geyser Glider + Teetering Peaks + Adventuring Gear put me to 1. They made Blood Seeker, but I bluffed sufficiently to force them to block with it, in theory giving me a chance. Sadly, they had Mark of Mutiny again.

Thoughts afterwards: Not many. All the matches were fairly competitive, going to three games. At 1-0 up in Round 4, I thought I was heading for 10 boosters rather than 3, but that Bloodchief Ascension/Disfigure/Mark Of Mutiny was one heck of a turnaround. I do think I was unnecessarily seduced by the Journey To Nowhere x2. Black would in hindsight have been better.

Neil Rigby Pod 3

World Queller
Shepherd Of The Lost
Windborne Charge
Kor Hookmaster
Kor Aeronaut
Kor Aeronaut
Nimbus Wings
Journey To Nowhere
Journey To Nowhere
Cliff Threader
Kor Skyfisher
Kor Skyfisher
Kor Skyfisher
Ondu Cleric
Sunspring Expedition
Shieldmate’s Blessing
Shieldmate’s Blessing
Brave The Elements
Brave The Elements

Sphinx Of Jwar Isle
Whiplash Trap
Sky Ruin Drake
Windrider Eel
Windrider Eel
Merfolk Seastalkers
Lethargy Trap
Merfolk Wayfinder
Into The Roil
Into The Roil
Tempest Owl
Tempest Owl
Trapfinder’s Trick
Trapmaker’s Snare
Spreading Seas
Spreading Seas

Hagra Crocodile
Hagra Crocodile
Hagra Diabolist
Giant Scorpion
Vampire Lacerator
Mindless Null
Mind Sludge
Ravenous Trap
Mire Blight
Mire Blight
Soul Stair Expedition
Soul Stair Expedition

Bladetusk Boar
Bladetusk Boar
Hellkite Charger
Molten Ravager
Molten Ravager
Geyser Glider
Shatterskull Giant
Goblin Bushwhacker
Highland Berserker
Kazuul Warlord
Magma Rift
Punishing Fire
Slaughter Cry
Unstable Footing
Zektar Shrine Expedition

Grazing Gladehart
Baloth Woodcrasher
Timbermaw Larva
Timbermaw Larva
Scythe Tiger
Mold Shambler
Oran-Rief Survivalist
Beastmaster Ascension
Khalni Heart Expedition
Khalni Heart Expedition
Savage Silhouette

Stonework Puma
Hedron Scrabbler
Blazing Torch

Kazandu Refuge
Arid Mesa
Soaring Seacliff
Piranha Marsh
Piranha Marsh
Teetering Peaks

The Deck

Bladetusk Boar
Bladetusk Boar
Hellkite Charger
Geyser Glider
Shatterskull Giant
Highland Berserker
Kazuul Warlord
Magma Rift
Punishing Fire
Slaughter Cry

World Queller
Shepherd Of The Lost
Windborne Charge
Kor Hookmaster
Kor Aeronaut
Kor Aeronaut
Nimbus Wings
Journey To Nowhere
Journey To Nowhere
Cliff Threader
Kor Skyfisher
Kor Skyfisher
Kor Skyfisher

Arid Mesa
Teetering Peaks
8 Plains
7 Mountain

How do you rate it before the matches? “It’s quite aggressive, which is good. I have eight 2cc creatures, and some good finishers. The weakness in the deck is that there are some things I basically can’t deal with, specifically equipment and enchantments. I have neither Kor Sanctifiers nor Relic Crush.”

Round 1 — Lost 0-2. Game 1 – He was aggressive, and burned me out before I could get established. Game 2 — Kept three land, four spells, died having drawn all land, my four spells were insufficient.

Round 2 — Lost 1-2. Game 1 — win with Shepherd Of The Lost, he can’t deal with it. Game 2 — Made an incorrect mulligan decision, keeping seven. He begins T1 Lacerator Vampire, T2 Trusty Machete, T3 Equip, plus Disfigure for my first guy, T4 Vampire Hexmage. I can’t recover. Game 3 — I mulligan to 6. His Hellfire Mongrel worked well. He used Torch Slinger and Disfigure to kill my Shepherd Of The Lost. Thought I had some time, but Hagra Crocodile plus Teetering Peaks shortened the clock.

Round 3 — Won 2-0. Game 1 — He had Grazing Gladehart to gain life, but I had unblockable guys in Cliff Threader, Kor Aeronaut, Kor Skyfisher. He made Hellkite Charger on Defense, but I had Slaughter Cry for the win. Sizzle! Game 2 — This was a classic White Weenie rush, he had no comeback.

Round 4 — Won 2-0. Game 1 — Unusually, neither player did much early. I had powerful spells late: World Queller, Kazuul Warlord, and Hellkite Charger. Game 2 — I was ahead early, with him down to 14, dropped World Queller. Both players had a major flood, but I used World Queller to say land each turn, which stopped him hitting 7 mana for Heartstabber Mosquito. Kor Skyfishers back to back with Teetering Peaks in play ended the game.

Thoughts afterwards ?— “I struggled to find two-drops throughout. Bladetusk Boars can be really good, but here the opponent always seemed to have Disfigure when they needed them.”

Hmm. Three Sealed completed, and not a winning record to show for it, at a combined 5-7. With the evening piling on into the small hours, we opted for a combined effort to end proceedings, which went like this:

Rich, Neil, and Tom

Landbind Ritual
Caravan Hurda
Noble Vestige
Narrow Escape
Nimbus Wings
Nimbus Wings
Quest For The Holy Relic
Cliff Threader
Kazandu Blademaster
Kor Aeronaut
Bold Defense
Makindi Shieldmage
Makindi Shieldmage
Kor Cartographer
Arrow Volley Trap
World Queller
Conqueror’s Pledge

Seascape Aerialist
Lullmage Mentor
Merfolk Wayfinder
Trapmaker’s Snare
Tempest Owl
Spell Pierce
Spell Pierce
Caller Of Gales
Caller Of Gales
Kraken Hatchling
Welkin Tern
Reckless Scholar
Umara Raptor
Windrider Eel
Lethargy Trap
Lethargy Trap

Needlebite Trap
Desecrated Earth
Sadistic Sacrament
Mindless Null
Mindless Null
Vampire’s Bite
Gruul Draz Vampire
Surrakar Marauder
Surrakar Marauder
Blood Seeker
Gatekeeper Of Malakir
Giant Scorpion
Giant Scorpion
Hideous End
Hagra Crocodile

Goblin Bushwhacker
Burst Lightning
Burst Lightning
Goblin Shortcutter
Goblin Shortcutter
Highland Berserker
Punishing Fire
Hellfire Mongrel
Magma Rift
Torch Slinger
Ruinous Minotaur
Goblin War Paint

Relic Crush
Savage Silhouette
Beastmaster Ascension
Primal Bellow
Frontier Guide
Nissa’s Chosen
Nissa Revane
Oran-Rief Recluse
Mold Shambler
Mold Shambler
Baloth Cage Trap

Hedron Scrabbler
Explorer’s Scope
Expedition Map
Adventuring Gear
Adventuring Gear
Blazing Torch
Trusty Machete

Akoum Refuge
Turntimber Grove

White — Couple of powerful spells, early cheap monsters. Blademaster really good, World Queller goes nicely with Conqueror’s Pledge, as does Bold Defense.

Blue — Double Windrider Eel, Umara Raptor.

Black — Alright, monsters aren’t exciting.

Red — Aggressive, cheap removal, plenty of it.

Green — Infinite blocker Combo (Nissa’s Chosen with Nissa Revane) but only one. Baloth Cage Trap is a nice play on turn 2 against bad people. (They lay an artifact on turn 2, you get to spring the trap. You start turn 3 with an active 4/4.) Beastmaster Ascension is basically poor, but synergy with Conqueror’s Pledge.

Artifact — Trusty Machete is very good news! Blazing Torch is VERY slow.

The Deck

Adventuring Gear
Trusty Machete
Burst Lightning
Burst Lightning
Punishing Fire
Cliff Threader
Cliff Threader
Goblin Shortcutter
Goblin Shortcutter
Highland Berserker
Kazandu Blademaster
Kor Aeronaut
Magma Rift
Bold Defense
Hellfire Mongrel
Makindi Shieldmate
Makindi Shieldmate
Ruinous Minotaur
Torch Slinger
Kor Cartographer
Conqueror’s Pledge
Arrow Volley Trap
World Queller
10 Plains
7 Mountain

What we thought before the games — Seems good, ways to win at both ends of the curve, and Conqueror’s Pledge and Arrow Volley Trap also make losing to quickness harder.


Round 1 – Win 2-1. Game 1 — Mulligan to 6, always behind, and then Hellkite Charger. We sat on two land. Not helped by two early Goblin Shortcutters dying to Seismic Shudder. Game 2 — Got to five mana, enough for Conqueror Pledge. Got to six, then seven, and cast Bold Defense. 1-1. Game 3 — Put Trusty Machete on Highland Berserker, got in to a race. He had plenty of removal, but Adventuring Gear kept things big, and Cliff Threader had mountainwalk for the win.

Round 2 – Win 2-1. Game 1 – He beat down, with Surrakar Marauder plus Goblin War Paint. Down to 5, we could have cast Conqueror’s Pledge, but still had to have mountain next to kill the Marauder. Played it, found Mountain, went to 1, a land would have been the win off Bold Defense, but drew Goblin Shortcutter instead. His Halo Hunter kills us. Game 2 — Highland Berserker plus Adventuring Gear applied the pressure, we added Goblin Shortcutter, and then Ruinous Minotaur took to the skies via Kor Aeronaut. 1-1. Game 3 — He opened with Trusty Machete and Blood Seeker, but had only Black lands, including Piranha Marsh. The dummy was fairly emphatically spat out of the pram.

Round 3 — Win 2-1. Game 1 was all about Equipment. We had both Adventuring Gear and Trusty Machete, and combined with removal that was more than enough. 1-0. Game 2 we got to Conqueror’s Pledge, and played around Arrow Volley Trap, which he did in fact have in hand. Hellfire Mongrel was awesome, virtually locking him out. 2-0.

Round 4 — Won 2-0. A now-familiar recipe of quick men plus Equipment plus removal led to two comfortable wins.

Thoughts From The Drive Home

It had been a great evening, and the overriding impression coming away was about the moment when the heart starts thumping. In some versions of Sealed, you start paying attention on Turn 3, and feel good when they lay a third land and still have no play. Here, you lose the dice roll and start worrying. They lay a Swamp, and you actively hope they don’t have a Vampire Lacerator. If they do, the whole game is pretty much defined right there, as you try to stop the game from running away from you. Even if you manage that, you’re going to be sufficiently far behind that you forget to breathe every time your opponent draws, in case one of a number of spells ends things.

The thing is, because so many creatures are better on offense than defense, even if you avoid the obvious low-life deaths (Spire Barrage, Burst Lightning, Hideous End), so many monsters can kill you in one hit, and not just ‘really good’ monsters either. Plated Geopede plus Teetering Peaks is five, Tuktuk Grunts have haste, Hagra Crocodile, almost any flyer…

Basically, you don’t ever want to be behind in the format, and with that in mind, I decided to spend the next two evenings seeing whether I could put these ideas to good use…

Rich alone, following night

Landbind Ritual
Caravan Hurda
Windborne Charge
Pillarfield Ox
Pillarfield Ox
Shieldmate’s Blessing
Quest For The Holy Relic
Arrow Volley Trap
Shepherd Of The Lost
Kor Hookmaster
Kor Hookmaster
Cliff Threader
Kor Skyfisher
Ondu Cleric

Mindbreak Trap
Lullmage Mentor
Archmage Ascension
Ior Ruin Expedition
Caller Of Gales
Hedron Crab
Shoal Serpent
Sphinx Of Lost Truths
Sky Ruin Drake
Seascape Aerialist
Living Tsunami
Windrider Eel
Lethargy Trap
Umara Raptor
Reckless Scholar
Paralyzing Grasp
Paralyzing Grasp

Mind Sludge
Hagra Crocodile
Heartstabber Mosquito
Giant Scorpion
Giant Scorpion
Hideous End
Gatekeeper Of Malakir
Grim Discovery
Vampire Lacerator
Vampire Lacerator

Runeflare Trap
Molten Ravager
Murasa Pyromancer
Goblin War Paint
Tuktuk Grunts
Tuktuk Grunts
Spire Barrage
Shatterskull Giant
Bladetusk Boar
Inferno Trap
Torch Slinger
Ruinous Minotaur
Hellfire Mongrel
Goblin Shortcutter
Seismic Shudder
Burst Lightning

Baloth Woodcrasher
Vastwood Gorger
Timbermaw Larva
Beast Hunt
Savage Silhouette
Oran-Rief Recluse
Grazing Gladehart
Quest For The Gemblades
Frontier Guide
Vines Of Vastwood
Vines Of Vastwood
Vines Of Vastwood

Explorer’s Scope
Expedition Map

Akoum Refuge
Kabira Crossroads
Soaring Seacliff
Soaring Seacliff
Piranha Marsh
Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle

The Deck

Mind Sludge
Heartstabber Mosquito
Hagra Crocodile
Hideous End
Giant Scorpion
Giant Scorpion
Gatekeeper Of Malakir
Grim Discovery
Vampire Lacerator
Vampire Lacerator
Tuktuk Grunts
Tuktuk Grunts
Spire Barrage
Shatterskull Giant
Inferno Trap
Bladetusk Boar
Ruinous Minotaur
Torch Slinger
Hellfire Mongrel
Goblin Shortcutter
Seismic Shudder
Burst Lightning
8 Mountain
8 Swamp
Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle

Before the matches – This looks suspiciously like my BR Prerelease deck that I slated in this very column. Plenty of removal, quick beats, not much else.

Round 1 — Won 2-0. Game 1 — Seismic Shudder was an early two-for-one, blunting his BR aggression. I quickly assumed control. Game 2 — A really tight race. He gets Soul Stair Expedition down with a Torch Slinger in the bin and another that he could easily chump with to get it there. Fortunately I had Hellfire Mongrel, and then Grim Discovery returned it when he used his penultimate card to kill it.

Round 2 — Won 2-1. Game 1 — He opened with T2 Plated Geopede, then Quest For The Gemblades, which I really didn’t want to become active. I tried to use Torch Slinger to kill the Geopede, but he had Vines of Vastwood. I tried to use Spire Barrage to kill it, but he had Harrow. My two Giant Scorpions were never sufficient due to 1st strike and that hideously annoying Quest. 0-1. Game 2 — Seismic Shudder dealt with his early Plated Geopede. He had a deeply tedious River Boa, but when a Turntimber Grove to pump a guy tapped him out, Burst Lightning killed the Boa. Then pressure. My Spire Barrage for his Scute Mob met Vines of Vastwood again, but I had defense via Giant Scorpion. His Scute Mob got to 17/17 before I found a second black for Hideous End, winning the game right there. 1-1. Game 3 — T1 Lacerator, T2 Seismic Shudder to kill his Plated Geopede, T3 Goblin Shortcutter + Vampire Lacerator number two. T4 Shatterskull Giant. Slaughter Cry kept him alive, then I looked dead with Territorial Baloth onboard, but found Spire Barrage from top. 2-1.

Round 3 — Won 2-0. Game 1 — Monster him to death quickly with men and removal. Game 2 he elects to draw, so I Lacerator T1 into Giant Scorpion and Bladetusk Boar. Hellfire Mongrel does the job late game, and Heartstabber Mosquito finished things.

Waiting for Round 4, I take a look at an earlier game for my final opponent. I look at his Round 2 match. He ends the game with a 10/10 Umara Raptor, an 8/8 Kazuul Warlord, a 7/7 Umara Raptor, and Eldrazi Monument. Eek!

He offers a split, where the winner gives the loser two packs, making it 13/12. Given what I’ve just scouted, this seems fine. I win 2-0. Game 1 — I blunt his T1 Vampire Lacerator, get aggressive myself, keep making guys, and use Hellfire Mongrel plus Mind Sludge for the win. Game 2 — I feel like I’ve won on Turn two when I have Vampire Lacerator and Goblin Shortcutter, and he has only Expedition Map. I Disfigure his Giant Scorpion, then make Ruinous Minotaur T3, which trades with Hagra Diabolist. A hasty Tuktuk Grunts represents overload, and even the foolishly good Vampire Nighthawk can’t save him.

Okay, BR for 4-0. Let’s have another try.

And The Night After That…

Conqueror’s Pledge
Day Of Judgment
Pillarfield Ox
Pitfall Trap
Noble Vestige
Narrow Escape
Kor Sanctifiers
Kor Sanctifiers
Kor Hookmaster
Kabira Evangel
Kor Outfitter
Kor Aeronaut
Nimbus Wings
Nimbus Wings
Nimbus Wings
Shieldmate’s Blessing
Shieldmate’s Blessing

Shoal Serpent
Sphinx Of Lost Truths
Summoner’s Bane
Windrider Eel
Merfolk Wayfinder
Into The Roil
Trapfinder’s Trick
Trapfinder’s Trick
Trapfinder’s Trick
Aether Figment
Welkin Tern
Spell Pierce
Hedron Crab
Hedron Crab
Cosi’s Trickster

Mind Sludge
Mind Sludge
Desecrated Earth
Desecrated Earth
Mindless Null
Vampire’s Bite
Soul Stair Expedition
Soul Stair Expedition
Crypt Ripper
Heartstabber Mosquito
Hagra Crocodile
Hideous End
Vampire Lacerator
Vampire Lacerator
Vampire Hexmage
Marsh Casualties
Gatekeeper Of Malakir

Quest For Pure Flame
Quest For Pure Flame
Burst Lightning
Burst Lightning
Goblin Shortcutter
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Plated Geopede
Plated Geopede
Magma Rift
Slaughter Cry
Shatterskull Giant
Spire Barrage
Spire Barrage

Zendikar Farguide
Territorial Baloth
Relic Crush
Predatory Urge
Mold Shambler
Beast Hunt
Greenweaver Druid
Grazing Gladehart
Khalni Heart Expedition
Oran-Rief Survivalist
Khalni Heart Expedition
Scythe Tiger

Khalni Gem
Stonework Puma
Trailblazer’s Boots
Explorer’s Scope

Kabira Crossroads
Soaring Seacliff
Soaring Seacliff
Turntimber Grove

The Deck

Mind Sludge
Crypt Ripper
Heartstabber Mosquito
Hagra Crocodile
Hideous End
Vampire Hexmage
Marsh Casualties
Gatekeeper Of Malakir
Vampire Lacerator
Vampire Lacerator

Spire Barrage
Spire Barrage
Shatterskull Giant
Slaughter Cry
Magma Rift
Plated Geopede
Plated Geopede
Zektar Shrine Expedition
Goblin Shortcutter
Burst Lightning
Burst Lightning
10 Swamp
8 Mountain

Before: Not as good as last night, but probably serviceable. Suspect Vampire’s Bite is hideous, but possibly better than Mind Sludge if everyone works out that being slow is rubbish.

Round 1 — Won 2-0. Vampire Lacerator into Goblin Shortcutter, he had Expedition Map. He casts Paralyzing Grasp on my Lacerator T3. I couldn’t find 5th land for Spire Barrage, which made it close. His Tuktuk Grunts met Disfigure, he drew nothing late, and eventually I find land five, and mountain three. Game 2 — Near-identical opening, and again no 5th land for ages. Used Slaughter Cry to get him to 11 from 16, but had to use Magma Rift to kill Sky Ruin Drake, which set me back on land. Aether Figment was a threat, but it was forced to block because Plated Geopede is really good times. Welkin Tern really, really doesn’t block against a typical BR deck.

Round 2 — Won 2-0. Sketchy Vampire Lacerator opening added Plated Geopede, but that met Hideous End. Phase two was Hagra Crocodile. He had Halo Hunter, and proceeded to race with Shatterskull Giant and the Crocodile. His Magma Rift killed my Crocodile, my Lacerator stepped in the way of Halo Hunter, and I got to Spire Barrage for three just in time to kill the 6/3. Mountain, Mountain, Spire Barrage for five, kill you. Game 2 — Goblin Shortcutter T2, kill Stonework Puma T3, Shatterskull Giant T4, in in in, he had all Swamps. I had Disfigure and double Burst Lightning. Not fair.

Round 3 — Won 2-1. Versus a four color deck. Lots of early pressure from Plated Geopede, always just too much to do for him to stabilize, despite Baloth Cage Trap. Monster overload sufficient, Welkin Tern doesn’t block ground men. Game 2 — Slow start and River Boa make things problematic. Hard to get damage through, Grazing Gladehart gains a stack of life, and eventually I die to the Boa. Oh, and he has a Hedron Crab plan going too. Game 3 — Back on the play, I mulligan aggressively into Vampire Lacerator T1, Vampire Hexmage T2. He starts milling with Crab, but T4 Shatterskull Giant with Magma Rift backup means I’m heavy favorite. Drew Spire Barrage, and then Hideous End, although Magma Rift would have done it.

Round 4 — Won 2-0. Slowish start to Game 1, my Plated Geopede was great, He had Mold Shambler to kill Zektar Shrine Expedition, which was a neat use of ‘non-creature permanent’, but by mid-game I had a hand of double Spire Barrage, Disfigure and Heartstabber Mosquito, then drew Hideous End. Sea Gate Loremaster needed killing, but a missed block led to burnout. 1-0. Game 2 — Kept Vampire Lacerator, Burst Lightning, five lands. Only Khalni Heart Expedition T3 for him, which seemed weak. He had Plated Geopede, which had a nice link with Khalni Heart Expedition, but I drew Vampire Hexmage. There was an almost unheard of temporary standoff, then I blew that Expedition plan away. He had a combat trick of 1/1 Plated Geopede then Punishing Fire to kill my 3/3. Then Oran-Rief, The Vastwood took over, pumping Tajaru Archer, Mold Shambler (killing Zektar Shrine Expedition again) and Oran-Rief Survivalist. However, Gatekeeper Of Malakir and Marsh Casualties saw me home.


Aggro, Aggro, Aggro
That’s the way to go
Just ask any Pro
Aggro, Aggro, Aggro.

And now you know.

As ever, thanks for reading.
