Flesh and Blood - Monarch (Unlimited) Booster Pack [SLD-FAB-PCK-MON-EN-UNL]
Darkness, the canvas of the universe. Light, the brushstroke of creation. A forbidden power hungers to eclipse existence, wiping the canvas clean. The soul of Rathe stands resolute, a ray of hope to the artisans of civilization.
Perfect for a collector, or a fun game night of drafting, each Monarch Booster box comes with 24 booster packs. That's enough to support one 8 person draft pod, or 4 sealed deck players!
The Monarch (Unlimited) booster set contains 307 cards, and is designed for incredible booster draft and sealed deck play, in addition to being the primary way to obtain the most rare and powerful cards in Monarch. This standalone booster set introduces four new heroes with all new mechanics!
Booster Rarity Breakdown:
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