Innistrad: Midnight Hunt
  • Three-Letter Code
    Release Date
    Friday, September 24, 2021
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    Set Details

    Innistrad: Midnight Hunt is the first time back to the plane of Innistrad since the 2016 expansion, Eldritch Moon. Innistrad: Midnight Hunt is the first of two back-to-back sets that will feature the plane with the second, Innistrad: Crimson Vow, debuting in November. These sets are designed to be unique, separate from each other, and drafted individually. Innistrad: Midnight Hunt was provisionally called Innistrad: Werewolves, and its counterpart Innistrad: Crimson Vow was Innistrad: Vampires. Showcase cards in Innistrad: Midnight Hunt feature two distinct styles. The Werewolf and Warlock cards have an "equinox frame treatment" showcasing their involvement with nature, specifially the day and night cycle. Each legendary creature that is not a Werewolf or Warlock and basic lands receive the "eternal night art treatment" which is inspired from the black-and-white horror movies of old. As a Magic first, Set Boosters and Collector Boosters contain unique New-to-Magic Commander cards not found elsewhere in the set.[source]

    Product Lineup
    • Draft, Set, Collector and Theme Boosters
    • Prerelease Pack
    • Bundle
    • Two Commander Decks
    Commander Decks
    • Coven Counters
    • Undead Unleashed
    Set Mechanics & Keywords
    • Coven
    • Daybound and Nightbound
    • Decayed
    • Disturb
    • Flashback
    • Investigate
    • Transform