The Brother's War
  • Three-Letter Code
    Release Date
    Friday, November 18th 2022
    Set Size
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    Set Details

    The Brothers' War travels back in time to the iconic event with the same name. Urza and Mishra, the brothers, stop at nothing to see the other defeated. The ensuing war ravages landscapes, claims numerous victims, and shapes Magic's history.

    The Brothers' War features Draft, Set, and Collector boosters, plus the newly added Jumpstart boosters. Full-Art lands are available in each, featuring mechanical behemoths entrenched in war. Draft, Set, and Collector boosters will feature "Retro Frame Artifact Reprints" which are artifacts from Magic's history in the Retro Frame styling. In Collector boosters, there is a chance for these reprints to be serialized. Numbered out of 500, each serialized card will have a unique number allowing collectors to find a truly one-of-a-kind card. Set and Collector boosters will also feature cards from the Transformers IP with their iconic 80's art and as Shattered Glass versions. The cards found in the two The Brothers' War Commander decks are done completely in the Retro Frame styling. [source]

    Product Lineup
    • Draft, Set, Collector, and Jumpstart Boosters
    • Bundle
    • Prerelease Pack
    • 2 Commander Decks
    Commander Decks
    • Mishra's Burnished Banner
    • Urza's Iron Alliance
    Set Mechanics & Keywords
    • Meld
    • Powerstones
    • Prototype
    • Unearth